Abzena Supports Angiex’s Phase 1 Study of TM4SF1-Directed ADC Therapy
Angiex has secured clinical trial materials from Abzena for its Phase 1 study of AGX101, a groundbreaking TM4SF1-targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC). AGX101 represents a novel approach to cancer therapy by targeting the blood vessels within tumors, offering potential new treatment options for patients with aggressive cancers. The Phase 1 study aims to evaluate the safety and preliminary efficacy of this first-in-class therapy.
Drug Development & Delivery, a leading publication in pharmaceutical research and innovation, covered this critical partnership. Known for its in-depth analysis of drug development processes and industry trends, Drug Development & Delivery highlighted the significance of Abzena’s role in providing the necessary resources for Angiex’s trial and underscored the importance of reliable partnerships in advancing novel therapies toward clinical success.